Artiste en concert
Dates en festival
- 2016
- 2013
- 2012
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2006
— | Morlaix (29)Festival Panoramas
- Total Warr,
- Rone,
- Jeanne Added,
- La Femme
— | Vendôme (41)Les Rockomotives
- Secret Chiefs 3,
- Dan San,
- Naive New Beaters,
- Michel Cloup,
- C2c,
- Patrick Watson,
- Youssoupha
— | Rennes (35)Bars En Trans
- Steeple Remove,
- Ad,
- About The Girl,
- Anna Aaron,
- Hathors,
- Mars T,
- My Heart Belongs To Cecilia Winter