Artiste en concert
Kid Bombardos
Dates en festival
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
— | Lille (59)Les Paradis Artificiels
- King Charles,
- C2c,
- Balthazar,
- Daniel Darc,
- Botibol,
- Dillon,
- The Black Box Revelation
— | Marmande (47)Garorock
- Boulevard Des Airs,
- Selah Sue,
- David Guetta
— | Grimaud (83)Plage de Rock
- Black Lips,
- Santigold ,
- Hanni El Khatib,
- Other Lives,
- 1995
— | Lille (59)Tour de Chauffe
- Dpz,
- Erevan Tusk,
- Filastine,
- We Are Toxic,
- Kid Bombardos,
- Mars Red Sky,
- Rodolphe Burger
— | Niort (79)Nouvelle(s) Scène(s)
- Pyjama,
- Boogers,
- Triangle,
- Minimatic,
- Laurent Paradot,
- La Terre Tremble,
- Aline
— | Miramont-de-Guyenne (47)Festival Abracada'Sons
- Manu Le Malin ,
- Kanka
— | Belfort (90)Les Eurockéennes De Belfort
- Mika,
- Selah Sue,
- Foals
— | Troyes (10)Nuits de Champagne
- Hey Hey My My,
- Le Grand Choral De Jean Louis Aubert,
- Les Chiche Capon,
- Gush,
- Marc Andre Leger,
- Les Octaves,
- Camille Bazbaz
— | Saint-Ouen (93)Mofo
- The Wave Pictures,
- The Zombies,
- Francoiz Breut
— | Saint-Ouen (93)Mo'Fo'
- Francoiz Breut,
- Laetitia Sheriff,
- The Zombies
— | Ribérac (24)Le Grand Souk
- Chinese Man,
- Birdy Nam Nam
— | Aulnoye-Aymeries (59)Les Nuits Secrètes
- Naive New Beaters,
- General Elektriks,
- We Have Band,
- Agoria,
- Junip ,
- Sam Tiba,
- Hugh Coltman
— | Rennes (35)Bars En Trans
- Carmen Maria Vega,
- Zak Laughed,
- Darabi,
- Bunq,
- Skip The Use,
- Puggy,
- Pneu
— | Marmande (47)Garorock
- Dub Pistols,
- Lofofora,
- Yuksek
— | Villenave (40)Fête De L'Humanité (Gironde)
- Les Grandes Bouches,
- Cie Trio D'en Bas,
- Kid Bombardos
— | Luxey (40)Musicalarue
- Caravan Palace,
- Flow ,
- Metisolea
— | Nevers (58)Nevers À Vif
- Les Freres Kamboui,
- Mademoiselle K,
- Sebastien Tellier,
- Boogers