Artiste en concert
Dates en festival
- 2024
- 2017
- 2016
— | Lyon (69)Les Nuits De Fourviere
- Lamomali, L'aventure Malienne De -m-,
- Les Chiens De Navarre : Jusque Dans Vos Bras,
- Arcade Fire
— | Toulouse (31)Rio Loco Garonne
- Danyel Waro,
- Moriarty - Wati Watia Zorey Band,
- The Dizzy Brains,
- Gren Seme
— | Cenon (33)Festival Des Hauts De Garonne
- Gren Seme,
- Puerto Candelaria,
- The Bongo Hop,
- Alsarah
— | Paris (75)MaMA Music & Convention
- Cabadzi,
- Guts,
- The Inspector Cluzo ,
- Laura Perrudin,
- Clara Luciani,
- Chaton,
- Adam Naas
— | Brest (29)Festival NoBorder
- Naissam Jalal,
- Delgres,
- Leo Correa E Of Forro Bacana,
- Kreiz Breizh Akademi,
- Sondorgo,
- Throes And The Shine,
- Anil Eraslan
— | Marseille (13)Babel Med
- Tigana Santana,
- Temenik Electric,
- Elida Almeida
— | Saint-Denis (974)Les Electropicales
- Iration Steppas,
- Dubmatix,
- Haezer,
- Jeremy Underground
— | Auxon (10)Othe Armance Festival
- Quatuor Leonis,
- Saodaj,
- Comme A La Maison,
- Delinquante,
- Les Swingirls,
- Cabaret Itinerant - Show De Vian !
— | La Rochelle (17)Les Francofolies de La Rochelle
- Ilhaam Project,
- Louis Jean Cormier,
- Youssoupha,
- Jeanne Added,
- Miossec,
- Emily Loizeau,
- Mickey 3d